The use of HTML tags is done only once in a single page. Start typing <html> tag in the beginning of the page and end the tag </ html> in the last. Not only the HTML tags, they have to follow their entire structure. Not just HTML tags, they have to follow their entire structure, which I have given a screenshot of his Structure (Syntax).
Write Code:
When this code is rendered by a browser, it will look like this:
HTML is a markup language, which means that it is used to make websites, in this case a webpage, with structural and meaningful information that tells a browser about displaying the page. The HTML code can only be run in the browser, it can only see its output / result in the browser itself. When an HTML document is loaded by a web browser, the browser uses the HTML tag which has marked the document to present the contents of the page.
The website is required not only with the help of HTML code / language, it is necessary to create a website for the three languages. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, HTML controls structural elements, css styles, those elements, and javascript enables dynamic interaction between those elements.
You have to keep in mind that the HTML file is saved from .html extension. An original HTML page is a document that typically has the file extension .html, though HTML often appears in content of other file types. All HTML documents follow the same basic structure so that the browser presenting the file knows that this is the angle file and what the output is to show. Similarly, the HTML file is saved from .html with the same CSS file and .javascript file to save the .CSS file.
Describe HTML Tags :
It is now known that the use of HTML tags is used in the starting tag and in the last ending of the page. So come, now we know about all the other tags.
An HTML document consists of two main parts / tags:
Inside <head>, you want to show any information or details of any continent by writing a tag and you will not see its output. You can also type internal CSS by typing <style> tags in the <head> tag. The <head> tag is used for the head element, there is a container for all the key elements. You can include element scripts inside <head>, where to find the style sheet to the browser, provide meta information, the <head> element contains meta information about the document.
<title> Tag :
<body> Tag :
<body> is a very important tag in HTML and website. No webpage or website design can be done without using the <body> tag. Like a person without a body. The website without tag <body> tag is not exactly the same.
The body element defines the document's body. If you have to design a website, you will have to keep all the content or all the information in the <body> tag.All that you want to display in your website. When writing in HTML, the <body> tag is used to contain a web page's content, including hyperlinks, images, tables, text, etc. It is required in every HTML document, and there may only be one <body> tag per page. including related attributes and browser compatibility. The HTML <body> tag defines the main content of the HTML document or the section of the HTML document that will be directly visible on your web page. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <body> element.
Friends, this is all in today's blog post, in the next post, we will start learning all about HTML tags.
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When this code is rendered by a browser, it will look like this:
HTML is a markup language, which means that it is used to make websites, in this case a webpage, with structural and meaningful information that tells a browser about displaying the page. The HTML code can only be run in the browser, it can only see its output / result in the browser itself. When an HTML document is loaded by a web browser, the browser uses the HTML tag which has marked the document to present the contents of the page.
The website is required not only with the help of HTML code / language, it is necessary to create a website for the three languages. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, HTML controls structural elements, css styles, those elements, and javascript enables dynamic interaction between those elements.
You have to keep in mind that the HTML file is saved from .html extension. An original HTML page is a document that typically has the file extension .html, though HTML often appears in content of other file types. All HTML documents follow the same basic structure so that the browser presenting the file knows that this is the angle file and what the output is to show. Similarly, the HTML file is saved from .html with the same CSS file and .javascript file to save the .CSS file.
Describe HTML Tags :
It is now known that the use of HTML tags is used in the starting tag and in the last ending of the page. So come, now we know about all the other tags.
An HTML document consists of two main parts / tags:
- <head> The head element contains title and meta data of a web document.
- <body> The body element contains the information that you want to display on a web page.
<head> Tag :
The start of the <head> tag is start and close on the <body> tag Inside the <head> tag, you can add <html> to somebody tag no use. <head> tag only <title> tag is use. You can keep a link to all other External files in the <head> tag, which is in another folder. And you want to apply the code of that file to it. And in the <head> tag.
Inside <head>, you want to show any information or details of any continent by writing a tag and you will not see its output. You can also type internal CSS by typing <style> tags in the <head> tag. The <head> tag is used for the head element, there is a container for all the key elements. You can include element scripts inside <head>, where to find the style sheet to the browser, provide meta information, the <head> element contains meta information about the document.
<title> Tag :
- The <title> tag defines the title of the document.
- The use of the <title> tag is to give the title of the page of the website so that the address is the page. Which is written in the browser's tab
- The title element is required in all HTML/XHTML documents.
<body> is a very important tag in HTML and website. No webpage or website design can be done without using the <body> tag. Like a person without a body. The website without tag <body> tag is not exactly the same.
The body element defines the document's body. If you have to design a website, you will have to keep all the content or all the information in the <body> tag.All that you want to display in your website. When writing in HTML, the <body> tag is used to contain a web page's content, including hyperlinks, images, tables, text, etc. It is required in every HTML document, and there may only be one <body> tag per page. including related attributes and browser compatibility. The HTML <body> tag defines the main content of the HTML document or the section of the HTML document that will be directly visible on your web page. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <body> element.
Browser Support :
Friends, this is all in today's blog post, in the next post, we will start learning all about HTML tags.
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